Monday, March 30, 2020

Isolation Interview with 3 Unicorns

I took the time to interview the three unicorns on their opinions related to our COVID-19 isolation and physical distancing.

Jo and Big Pig
Addy and Pikachu
Ry and Eevee

What are you enjoying right now about physical distancing?

Rylyn (Age 9) - Nothing.
Addisyn (Age 8) - No school. Spending more time with my family and my stuffie Pikachu.
Josette (Age 4.5) - Punching "Big Pig!"

What is annoying right now about physical distancing?

Rylyn - Missing my friends.
Addisyn - Missing my friends and Josie's constant whining.
Josette - Not seeing Gunner. He's not my boyfriend. I'm not allowed one. But, he basically is. *grins*

What has been your favourite activity since being home?

Rylyn - Playing with my stuffie Eevee. It reminds me of my friend Emma. She has the same one.
Addisyn - Playing with Griffin and Greta and my stuffie Pikachu.
Josette - Playing with Greta.

Disclaimer: Before I am stoned by the Internet Police, Chris' sister is a nurse and we have given child care. If this still bothers you, pretend Griffin and Greta are my house elves. We are otherwise in isolation outside of essentials and not receiving visitors.

Note to self: Stop wasting my time and effort with Pinterest-inspired forgettable moments.

What do you think God has to say about COVID-19?

Rylyn - He doesn't like it and He's trying to make it go away.
Addisyn - It's not good.
Josette - That we love Him. Write that down, Mom!

How is God trying to make COVID-19 go away?

Rylyn - His awesome power and giving people the idea to stay inside.
Addisyn - He gave us brains to use.
Josette - ... *blinks* ...

What do you want to say to anyone who is scared?

Rylyn - [COVID-19] is less aggressive if you are a child. You can worry less if you stay inside.
Addisyn - Don't be afraid. God is with you.
Josette - You should punch a Big Pig. It helps you calm down.

To Chris: What is it like being on lockdown with 4 girls?

Thank God I have a garage.

Chris' people, this is not permission to visit in a social distance-fashion. He has a cellphone. He will be fine. Stay home, as much as possible.


While writing this, despite all of our teaching, Josette was sent to her room for walking over to Rylyn and sneezing on her on purpose.

My child, listen to what I say,
and treasure my commands.
Tune your ears to wisdom,
and concentrate on understanding...

He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest.
He is a shield to those who walk with integrity.
He guards the paths of the just
and protects those who are faithful to him.

Proverbs 2:1,2,7,8

May we who are not dealing illness and who can stay home, count that blessing and pray for those who are sick or must serve others at this time.

Saturday, March 21, 2020


God is big enough for our questions. In the face of sickness, we ask, why? So when the world has been brought to its knees because of a microscopic virus we ask, why?

I have a Bachelor's degree in Biology. Much of that learning I have forgotten. The foundation of my understanding is still strong. I have had to reconcile the polarity of my faith and science over the years.

I was in a cohort of students who wanted to learn and teach science. Several of us literally wore our faith on the sleeves of our lab coats in fabric paint. I'm sure mine said something like, "Evolution Sucks!"

In the case of COVID-19, evolution really does suck! I am not writing to debate origins. I believe in a Creator. My belief feels unpopular in the science world. My trust in science feels unpopular in the Christian world. Where does that leave me? To be honest, a lot of times it leaves me fearing criticism so I stay silent.

I enjoy the verses from Eccelesiastes 3: To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die...a time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace...He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.

There is balance in these words. The same sort of equilibrium that science and faith provide me.

Does health exist with out sickness?

A time to go out and a time to stay home. Now is the time to stay home for those who have no other option because they are on the front lines of this pandemic.

And now is a time to pray. I don't pray in a closet. I don't often pray on my knees. My prayers are often mutterings, in the bathroom, in between sending my 4-year old to her room for colouring on furniture...again. Or I write. Don't let your idea of what praying looks like stop you from calling out at this time. My cringe-worthy spiritual disciplines are loved by my Father in heaven. Right now, I am praying while watching Boss Baby.

Jesus, may those who believe in You, may we be love in a time of uncertainty, in word and actions. Give us wisdom. May Your Love be beauty in turmoil. May our gestures of love be inexplicable apart from a love as great as Yours. Be with those who must work, be with those who can stay home, and return those who aren't home yet. Give our leaders wisdom. As we fight with science, may You fight in the miraculous as our Great Physician, like Ecclesiastes says, that we don't know the scope of your work from start to finish. Amen.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Retreat

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic (pandemic meaning spreads through our world, not end of the world), I find my life more peaceful than a year prior, maybe even up to three years priors. I think of Esther in the Bible and feel I have been prepared in my soul and spirit for this time, much like Esther was prepared to become queen and save her people.

Our family has helped people through fires over the past year, literal and figurative. Opening our home to those we love and who needed love. Some stay an hour or two over tea. Some stay longer while parents work, travel or get healthy. Our home has been a meeting place of prayer and vision. As we abandon meeting in a church building this Sunday morning, the presence of God is full and alive in the room where I type.

When I think about all those "fires," I believe the spirit of God alive in me, is hearing those prayers for those I love. My worldview and churchview (is that a thing?) have taken dramatic turns over the past year. God is more real and alive to me than ever.

Paraphrased from Priscilla Shirer from a conference I went to, do you want His words for you or seconds from someone else? This blew me away. Here was a woman whose Bible studies I have purchased and thoroughly enjoyed, essentially telling me not to buy her Bible studies. While I still believe in learning from one another, the Christian market is still a market.

I read The Practice of the Presence of God by brother Lawrence and found even in the "church" world there is a lot of clutter. Learning from brother Lawrence helped me see that keeping God present in my life was more important (to me) than attending a bible study. As a pastor's wife, I am cautiously examining my motives. I have done a lot of things in life because of perceived expectations from other people rather than a conviction in myself. My non-Christian (gasp) therapist also helped me see this.

In Bob Goff's Love Does, he writes about saying yes when it means loving others and God living in that yes. The common ground to all of these messages, was that God lives more in my day-to-day than on Sunday. From the times when I was cooking dinner, and in gratitude for some part of my day, I would feel the presence the of God. To those moments of fear, like when I called 911 for Chris, who couldn't breathe, and I couldn't even utter a prayer. He was there.

While I love a worship service (or bible study) to honour God, Christian culture can't be a one-size-fits-all model. Church provides an atmosphere of focus on Him and reminds me who is above all in my life, but I am convicted to live with God in each moment, not just in the church events on a calendar.

I find great peace with the Jesus asleep on the boat in the storm (Mark 4:38) and the Jesus who deserts the crowds after helping others (Mark 6:31). It's the same Jesus who sits with me when I am overwhelmed or can't utter a prayer. He is there. He is the same Jesus who communes with us while we abandon church as we know it in order to slow the spread of a virus.

Psalm 4:8
In peace I will lie down and sleep,
    for you alone, Lord,
    make me dwell in safety.