Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fall Fun

"I love Little Caesar's."
Yes, her first slice.
Yes, she ate the whole thing less the crust.
 No, she has not had another since.

"I want this one."
Picking out a pumpkin for Halloween.

"Put me in the tub, mom, really, I'll float."
Don't ask how she got herself in there.
Bible Reflections:
"In your presence is fullness of joy." -Psalm 16:11b, NKJV
-And where can we flee His presence? If this we remember, then our joy will be full.

A eulogy for a cat.

The sound of a downpour is a welcome sound to a sleepless night. Aside from the computer, my company is Quincy. He lies on my lap and purrs away our sorrow. Today he lost his adopted younger brother. Charlie was living with a chronic illness for a while now. Chris and I made the decision months ago, but today we acted upon it before his illness turned to suffering as today there was a turning.

A eulogy for a cat.

First, Prince Rillion. Then Lily. Next, the gender-neutral Charlie for our rescued kitten. We would call Charlie "he", because one testicle was removed during the spay/neuter. Cautious and careful. Charlie used to hiss at Quincy when we returned with Quincy from the groomers, shaved. Quiet. He rarely mewed. Affectionate. Charlie loved head pats and would greet me in the morning with purrs. Snuggles on my lap with Rylyn when she was born. Crying when she did out of concern. Patient. He wore the Halloween costumes I dressed him up in each year. Quirky and maimed from birth, we loved you anyway. We will miss knowing you aren't lurking around the corner, but will embrace the peace of your passing.

Charlie. Charles. Charleton. Char char. Kitty. 2006-2011.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Bye Bye

While leaving for work today I was treated to a wave and "ba ba ba ba ba ba." Rylyn's own version of "bye bye." What a blessing to be on the receiving end of the milestone. It certainly beats the molars she has been working on as part of a recent birthday present for me.

Almost anywhere I go now I am frequently asked "how is work going?" Some ask me like it is a swear word. Honestly, it is great to be back and I am very proud of myself for the balance I have been maintaining. The next question that often follows is, "how does Chris like being a stay-at-home, Dad?"

"Do I like cake?" I am pretty sure Chris likens his new role to eating Peanut Butter Cup Blizzard DQ Cake. 

Interestingly, once we have established that things are going well on the home and work front, the BIG GUN comes out. "Does Chris do the groceries?"

"When I write him a list." Because if I didn't write a list, all we would have to eat is Peanut Butter Cup Blizzard DQ cake. The honest answer is that it is a responsibility we share. However, that is how we view our lives, all parts, something we when Chris holds Ry and they wave "bye bye" each morning.

Bible Reflections
Luke 5:6-7 New King James Version (NKJV)
6 And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking. 7 So they signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink.

When life hands you more fish than your nets can carry, you call your partners. For me, my first call is to Chris, because I don't have to call far, he is usually in the boat with me. And, we all need other boats for back up too, because you never know when somebody's cell is off.