Friday, October 11, 2013

Do you see my concern, Smuckers???

Do you see the "may contain wheat and oats" statement? A brand called Purity with packaging marked 100% Natural and No Additives. Since Jenny Maids has been taken care of, I am moving on to a bigger fish. "Hello Smuckers, my name is Kara and I am slightly relentless."

Chris picked this bag of cornmeal up, while in a hurry. He didn't read the fine print as the packaging looked safe (a good reminder not to judge a book by its cover). I have already called and emailed Smuckers to let them know their branding of cornmeal and packaging is misleading to their consumers with dietary restrictions and serious medical conditions making them a brand I will not trust when preparing foods for my family and friends. I am requesting it be made clear on the front of the package, that as a result of possible cross-contamination, this brand is NOT pure and gluten-free as its name and package suggests.

As always, there is strength in numbers and if you feel my plight is worthy please forward your concern alongside mine. All the information (concern included) is below:

The brand Purity cornmeal and its packaging that says 100% Natural, No Additives is VERY misleading to your consumers (especially those with medical dietary restrictions) as there is a may contain wheat and oat statement in fine print on the back of the package. I want Smuckers to know that misleading packaging and branding like this makes Smuckers a brand I cannot trust when it comes to serving my family and friends. Would it please be made clear on the front of the package, that as a result of possible cross-contamination, this brand is NOT pure and gluten-free as its name and package suggests?

UPC Code: 5900003970

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Gluten-Free Play Dough

Tonight's adventures included catching up with a friend over making gluten free play dough. As my daughter constantly has her hands in her mouth, and fingernails are an easy trap, I have decided play dough is an issue for us. Recently I have come into contact with more and more people that are unaware of what Celiac Disease really is. For the record, it is chronic autoimmune disorder (not an immediate life-threatening allergy), you cannot "grow" out of it and just because someone is gluten-free does not mean they have Celiac Disease. The Canadian Celiac Association says "crumbs matter" so if it is a matter of a crumb, I care.

I used the "Easiest Gluten Free Play Dough Recipe." I found the dough too sticky at first (like most gluten free doughs) and ended up microwaving it to dry out the balls. For a first attempt, I think it turned out okay even if I wasn't patient enough to fully knead in the colour. We are set with two dough balls each for church, the Early Years Centre and home!