Friday, August 26, 2016

Things My Kids Say

This is technically the fourth instalment of "Out of the mouths of babes..." However, only one of my kiddos is a babe now. Time for a rebrand?

To be upfront, these posts are for me. So I can look back, laugh and remember. Today, I start this post, and like many things I set to do in life, I will chip away until it is ready.


"Donald the Duck rhymes with McDonald's. I think he cooks there."
-Rylyn, Age 5, April 2016


Addisyn eating a green sucker at the mall that I allowed her to take from a kind stranger (and senior citizen). I was curious to see what flavour she thought the green was...her response:


translation - it's sour, mom.
Age 4, May 2016


To say Rylyn and Addisyn love unicorns is an understatement. It is an obsession.

"Mom, when did we get a unicorn stone for our garden!?!?! I love it!!!"

-Addisyn, Age 4, May 2016


More on pickles...

"I like pickles because they have two bums. Imagine having two bums! One on your head, one on your foot!" -Rylyn, Age 5, June 2016


Checking in on a shrill cry from Rylyn in the playroom...

"Rylyn punched me first, so I punched her back. I think that's fair."
 -Addisyn, Age 4, July 2016

Rylyn on the "roller coaster" swing

Addisyn braves the water dump

Josette does pony tricks

Decorating daddy at the beach with cousins

Friday, August 5, 2016

A few more wedding shots

Thanks to our like-family friend, Cesare Berti (Marg Pleavin), for sharing some more photos while Laura honeymoons and her photographer edits! Enjoy the pre-show.

Jamie helping during the father-daughter dance with a misbehaving train
One of me!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Josie's First Year

Well, that went fast. I'll be white knuckling her second year if you need me for anything... Happy first birthday Josette! July 28, 2016.