Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The year of three trees...

It just happened. Don't ask me how. Probably some consumerism combined with a love for the season. We have three Christmas trees this year.

As the seasonal vibes are warmer this year for me than they have been for a while, I am going with it. This entry serves to remember the year of three trees.

Tree 1: The Kids' Tree
Every year my mom would take me (and my sister) to the local pharmacy during boxing week to buy a Hallmark ornament. I now do the same with my children. My ornaments adorn this tree alongside my children's ornaments...and I don't have to lose my cool when they touch the tree. We are a happier family since the kids' tree.

Tree 2: The Real Tree
The past few years we have cut down a tree from our yard. Last year, we cut down a white spruce tree, which we now know is also called a skunk spruce due to the ammonia-like smell the needles emit when crushed. It only smelled the day we cut it down...but still. We bought a fir on clearance at the local grocer this year! It is lovely and my wedding dress skirt embellishes the bottom.

Tree 3: Winter Wonderland by West Niagara Special Olympics

Our local Rotary Club runs a fundraiser called the Fantasy of Trees. It is a more expensive version of a penny sale with Christmas trees. I went with my mom on a whim and she bought me some tickets and off we went admiring and wishing as we placed tickets. And, I won one!

Time, smiles and memories are things we can't put prices on, like that time my mom and I won a Christmas tree and the faces of my children when they saw it!