Thursday, February 28, 2013

Good Times

I finally opened up iMovie and experimented. This video (although a slideshow of photos) took me a 1/4 of the time it usually does with a program I know how to operate. It took under an hour fully fumbling around. I made it for my class to show them what I have been up to when I go back to work tomorrow. With our family sporting some new technology (laptop, iPad and iPhone), I am hoping Chris will be able to send me photos of their adventures while he is home with girls while I am working. Pictures are worth a thousand words and I have been enjoying sending picture texts to him.

Enjoy the video. Some of the photos will look familiar as I have used our recent favourites.

Ecclesiastes 7:14

The Message (MSG)
14 On a good day, enjoy yourself;
On a bad day, examine your conscience.
God arranges for both kinds of days
So that we won’t take anything for granted.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Crafting Leftovers

Afternoon project: Using up scrap paper and embellishments to make cards.

"She finds items with potential and enjoys making them into things to treasure." A scrapbooker looks at Proverbs 31, paraphrase