Thursday, September 4, 2014


Rylyn happy and home after her first full day.
Rylyn started kindergarten this week. To be honest, while an exciting milestone, not an emotional one for me. Perhaps because school is everyday for a teacher? Perhaps because I know this is something she needs and from which she will have great benefit? Perhaps because Addisyn has two (seemingly long) years before she starts kindergarten? Perhaps because I am more concerned about having to teach 100 minutes of kindergarten myself this year and am wondering how I am going to survive it?!

Having the privilege of experiencing the first day of school with other's children makes sending my own to kindergarten exciting and not emotional for me. I believe in our public education system and know she is in capable hands. I believe all education first comes from parents, so the responsibility to educate is still mine first and not one I am handing over. I believe in the light that is Rylyn and that it will shine brightly to love others.

Memories from the first few days:
-the caterpillar in her class made a cocoon
-played on the iPad
-riding the big bus with her big friend
-coming home dry and in the clothes we sent her (!!!)
-"I was mean and went to the principal's office." (After much probing I learned that the new word they learned about that day was "principal" and she in fact was not sent to the office).

Rylyn, those 30 wide-eyed kindergarteners I teach twice a week will get my best because of all the things you have taught me thus far about the small and mighty. Congrats on your first day and week of school!

Rylyn and Mom on the morning of the first official day of school
Family photo as requested for homework

Goodbye Quincy

There will never be another cat like you. Even the feline haters could fall for you. My Quincy. It has been heartbreaking saying goodbye to you.

Treat-lover. Shifty eyes. Plastic bag eater. Ribbon addict. Molter. Muppet. Dandelion head.

Loved also by your first mom, Cindy. We first met on her hair dressing chair where you would watch me get my hair cut and even sit on my lap. Little did we know that one day you would become one of my favourite wedding presents.

I will miss most your final few years with our girls. Hiding from them all day long and coming up for lap snuggles with me, after they went to bed and I turned on the television. During the day, when they did catch you, not once did you bite, hiss or even cry as they dragged you around. I will miss brushing your mane and petting you when freshly groomed.

You tried to end our first year of marriage by drinking from the toilet and cleverly putting up the seat. Chris was continually blamed and nagged for leaving the seat up, until I caught you one day. I probably wouldn't have believed a cat could play fetch before you either. How you enjoyed running down the stairs after your jingle ball.

You had a loving and content disposition. Easy going. Dog-like. Eager to play or snuggle whomever came through the door. I remember taking you to the hospice to visit Great Auntie Vee. I take comfort in believing that she is taking care of you now in "green pastures" with "calm waters, " her favourite verses. I imagine you basking in the sunshine when you take breaks from playing with your brothers, Sonny and Charlie, who went before you.

Goodbye dear companion. There will always be a special place in my heart for you.
